
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Myth of Education and Empowerment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Myth of Education and Empowerment - Essay Example When I look at the aspects of school reform that are happening because of the NCLB legislation, I can understand that there are still several problems that are facing children today and part of it is that there is a systemic change coming that will influence how education is done. Before we move to that information it will be important to state the answer to the question for this essay. We have four very different people who are speaking about education. Each one of these people could be called "radical" in the way education is done today. We have Malcolm X who learned to read using the dictionary and Elijah Mohammed's teachings in the beginning. He read many books after that and become a brilliant scholar in his own right through learning thorough what some teachers call to day, "immersion." He immersed himself in the aspects of education that he wanted to learn. I am not sure that he would be the leader of the group, but I do think that he would agree with Gatto and that he would be for the idea that children could learn better in environments that were not encased in school. Mike Rose understands the plight of the student in public school in a general way. Because he found motivation through one teacher who came to his school, he would understand the unmotivated student and what it takes to get them motivated. He would understand that most of the time, the teacher who reaches out to a child in a different way than most teachers do are the ones that an individual student will work to impress.

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